The Asphalt Repairs for You

Our long history as a company has helped us encounter a large variety of asphalt repairs. Whether it is the utility company digging an area up to install water and electrical piping, or the cable company installing fibre optic cables underground, we have dealt with all types of asphalt repair. This is why we are trusted and relied upon by our valued clients, and it is our dedication to performing great work that keeps them coming back time and time again. See the difference experience can make with your own eyes today!

Commercial Parking Lots

Residential Acreages

Seal Coating

Highways & Roads

Asphalt Repairs

New Paving

Asphalt Repairs of Any Size

At Road Paving Maintenance, we have the tools, equipment, and manpower necessary to complete any project. Whether it is a milling and repaving project or the installation of a completely new paving system, we are prepared to meet your expectations quickly, on-budget, and with a smile.

Enjoy The Best Asphalt Repair

With over half a century of experience, we know how to provide high-quality asphalt repairs for any project. In fact, we pride ourselves on it. So don’t delay in contacting us, and leave the professionals to their work while you focus on what matters most to you. We look forward to hearing from you soon for all repairs and asphalt paving.